College Station Independent School District

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CSISD Student of the Week: Derrick Foley

CSISD Student of the Week: Derrick Foley
Posted on 02/05/2024
CSISD Student of the Week: Derrick Foley

Feb. 5, 2024–River Bend Elementary School kindergarten student Derrick Foley is praised by teachers for his hard work and growth this school year.


School: River Bend Elementary School


Grade: Kindergarten


Age: 5


Accomplishments: Derrick has grown so much since the beginning of the year. He is now able to write his name, communicate better with teachers and peers. He has jumped up 20 points in math and reading scores in map testing. 


Favorite Class/Subject: “My favorite subject is science.”


Favorite thing(s) to do after school:I like to do research on my tablet about sea creatures.


Favorite song: “My favorite song is the Jurassic Park theme song.”


Favorite movie or TV show: “Spongebob.”


Favorite website/app: "Kids YouTube."

What else outside of school are you involved in or interested in?: “I like building and creating buildings out of magnet tiles.”


Who do you look up to the most?: “My Daddy.”


What do you want to be when you grow up?: “A scientist.”


What are three things you can’t live without?: “Pizza, my tablet, and my family.” 

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