College Station ISD has a nurse at every campus. Our nurses work to ensure the safety and well-being of each student during the school day and during school activities. Additionally, our nurses work with families who have students with special medical conditions. Please contact the nurse on your student's campus to develop a plan for his/her special medical condition.
Central Office - Student Services Director
- Chrissy Hester - (979)764-5415
Nurse Coordinator Pre-K - 12
- Kassie Flater, BSN RN NCSN
Elementary School Nurses - Grades Pre-K -4
- College Hills: Reeda Robinson, RN - (979)764-5565
- Creek View: Mica Vannaman, RN - (979)694-5890
- Forest Ridge: Sherrel Paull, RN - (979) 694-5801
- Greens Prairie: Amanda Lyons, RN - (979) 694-5870
- Pebble Creek: Ivonne Adame, RN - (979)764-5595
- River Bend: Amanda Stewart, RN - (979)694-3767
- Rock Prairie: Jennifer Posern, RN - (979)764-5570
- South Knoll: Eliva Garcia, RN - (979)764-5580
- Southwood Valley: Tiffany Kolodziejczyk, RN - (979)764-5590
- Spring Creek: Jennifer Lawler, RN - (979) 694-5838
Intermediate School Nurses - Grades 5&6
- Cypress Grove: Sharon Murray RN - (979)694-5600
- Oakwood: Meredith Boucher, RN - (979)764-5530
- Pecan Trail: Dana Kay, RN- (979)694-5874
Middle School Nurses - Grades 7&8
- A&M Consolidated Middle: Jessica Taylor, RN - (979)764-4264
- College Station Middle: Lydia Eby, RN - (979)764-5550
- Wellborn Middle: Kassie Flater, RN - (979)695-3608
High School Nurses - Grades 9-12
- A&M Consolidated: Dianne Dusold, RN - (979) 764-5509
- A&M Consolidated: Linda Broadway, LVN - (979) 764-5509
- College Station: Briana Dugan, RN - (979) 694-5800
- College Station: Jill Lovell, LVN - (979) 694-5800
- College View: Kristi Meadows, LVN - (979) 764-5540
For management and action plans regarding specific medical conditions, click items from the list below:
Asthma - Parent Questionnaire
Asthma - Respiratory / Asthma Action Plan
Severe Allergy - Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
Severe Allergy - Parent Questionnaire
Student Diet Modification Form
Cardiac Action Plan
Diabetes - Management and Treatment Plan
Diabetes - Authorization for Administration of Management and Care
Insulin Pump Supplemental Information Form
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Program
Enteral Feeding Plan
Enteral Feeding Action Plan
Seizure - Management and Treatment Plant Form
Other Forms
Medication Authorization Form
HIPAA Compliant Exchange Form
Bloodborne Pathogens
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan