Six hours of professional development acquired on non-contract time may be utilized as a compensation day for teachers/staff. The district calendar designates the day that can be taken off. The six hours may be acquired during the summer through the first semester prior to the designated day. The hours may be accumulated by taking one or multiple courses that total six hours. Staff members who do not acquire sufficient professional development time to substitute for compensation time must be present at their usual work locations on the designated comp day.
Professional Development Activities That May Be Used for Compensation Time
Those sessions available for comp time are noted under Course Credit on the course description page. Campus principals may authorize, on an individual basis, other professional development sessions offered via other venues. Examples of other activities that might be approved by the principal include: Region VI professional development workshops, college course work, and Advanced Placement training. A staff member who presents a workshop may receive compensation time in lieu of extra-duty pay.
Professional Development Activities That May Not Be Used for Compensation Time
Professional development activities for which staff receives a stipend or that occur during regular contract time do not qualify as compensation time. Working in a classroom after regular contract hours also does not qualify.