College Station Independent School District

Success, Each Life...Each Day...Each Hour

CSISD and the Healthier US School Challenge

In spring of 2012 CSISD elementary campuses received the HUSSC award at the following levels:

  • South Knoll, College Hills, Southwood Valley and Rock Prairie Elementary campuses: Gold with Distinction level.
  • Creek View Elementary: Silver level
  • Pebble Creek and Forest Ridge: Bronze level

Green Prairie received the Silver Award in the spring of 2013.

The HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) is a voluntary national certification initiative for schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. It supports First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign by recognizing schools that are creating healthier school environments through their promotion of good nutrition and physical activity. Sponsored by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), the initiative encourages all schools to take a leadership role in helping students make healthier eating and physical activity choices that will last a lifetime.

College Station ISD Child Nutrition made changes to our 2010-11 menu for grades pre-K to 4 to meet the challenge at the highest level. An increased variety of vegetables and fruit, plus increased servings of whole grains were added at all grade levels. The criteria CSISD Child Nutrition is following for the HUSSC award at the GOLD Level are listed below.

  • A different vegetable is served everyday of the week. All servings must be at least ¼ cup.
    • Dark green or orange vegetables must be offered 3 or more days per week
    • Cooked dry beans or peas (legumes) must be offered weekly
  • A different fruit is served everyday of the week. All servings must be at least ¼ cup.
    • Canned fruit must be packed in juice of light syrup.
    • Dried fruit must have no added sweetener (nutritive or non-nutritive)
    • Fruit must be fresh at least 2 days a week.
    • 100% fruit juice can be counted as fruit only once per week.
  • A whole grain food serving must be offered each day. The majority of whole-grain food products served must have the whole grain(s) listed first in the ingredient statement. Other whole-grain servings must have whole grain as the primary grain ingredient.
  • Only low-fat (1% of less) and fat-free (skim) fluid milk, flavored or unflavored may be offered each day.
  • Ala carte foods must meet the following :
    • Total Fat- Calories from total fat must be at or below 35% per serving
    • Trans fat- must be less than .5 grams per serving
    • Saturated Fat- Calories from saturated fat must be below 10% per serving.
    • Sugar- must be less than 35% by weight
    • Sodium- reduced options
    • Portion size- Not to exceed the serving size for menu items or 200 calories per package for other items
    • Beverages- only low-fat or fat-free milk (8 oz or less), 100% fruit or vegetable juice (6 oz or less) or unflavored water are allowed

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