Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the November workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agenda. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the December board meeting. A video and audio recording of the meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, November 15. The following discussions and actions are of note.
2023-2024 School Calendar Update: A presentation regarding the development of the calendar for the 2022-2023 school year was given by Executive Director for Secondary Education Tiffany Parkerson.
The Districtwide Education Improvement Council has been working on calendar options during its October and November meetings and soliciting feedback from their peers on campus.
Currently there are three calendar options being developed, but at the December DEIC meeting those options will be reduced to two. The two options will then be put out to the community for voting and feedback.
In January, DEIC will review the public input and make a recommendation to the board at either its January or February meeting for consideration.
Report from Demographer: The Board received a report from Hudson Huff, a demographer with Zonda. The report projects CSISD to continue growing, but slowing compared to previous projections.
Year: Enrollment (% Growth)
- 2022-23: 14,489 (snapshot date enrollment - October 28)
- 2023-24: 14,717 (1.6%)
- 2024-25: 14,973 (1.7%)
- 2025-26: 15,141 (1.1%)
- 2026-27: 15,310 (1.1%)
- 2027-28: 15,466 (1.0%)
In December, the board will receive a report breaking down predicted enrollment numbers by campus according to Policy FC(Local). The policy states the administration shall annually review facility and enrollment projection data, including current demographic data, and five-year enrollment and school-capacity projections and present the results to the board.
Approved Upgrades to Elementary and Intermediate School Security Vestibules: The board approved a contract with SpawGlass Construction to upgrade security vestibules at nine of 10 elementary schools and three intermediate school campuses. The work was already completed this past summer at Southwood Valley Elementary as part of a larger renovation project.
The specific scope of the work is confidential as to not disclose detailed security information.
The total cost of the security vestibule upgrades is $818,000 to be paid from either the School Safety Standard Formula Grant and/or 2021 Bond funds.
Approval to assume contract to purchase property: The board approved a resolution to assume a contract to purchase approximately 60 acres located at 2441 Arrington Road. The acreage is adjacent to 41.40 acres purchased at the same location in October of 2019, increasing the size of the tract of land to approximately 101.40 acres.
The estimated total costs, including fees and closing is $3,883,100, and will be paid from 2021 bond funds.
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved the fees associated with Teacher Incentive Allotment for local designation of teachers the the Texas Education Agency not to exceed $90,000 using the 2022-23 General Fund. The fees are refundable to CSISD once the district’s TIA system is approved.
- Approved the district’s Financial Advisory Services Request for Qualification be awarded to Hilltop Securities, Inc.
- Approved the purchase of an upgraded dispatch/radio system for the Transportation Department from Texas Communications in the amount of $88,818.85 using 2021 Bond funds.