A total of five students from A&M Consolidated and College Station High Schools were recently selected to perform with a Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Texas All-State Band and Choir.
The performances will be held Saturday, February 12, 2022, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio as part of the TMEA Clinic/Convention.
CSISD All-State Band and Choir Members (Ensemble)
- Emma Barrow, AMCHS (Treble Choir)
- Ashton Jasperson, AMCHS (Tenor-Bass Choir)
- Silas Merrell, AMCHS (Tenor-Bass Choir)
- Carson Seiber, AMCHS (Tenor-Bass Choir)
- Edward Yan, CSHS (5A Symphonic Band)
These students were chosen for this prestigious honor through a competitive process held this year across the state at district, region, and area levels, and they are under the direction of Emily Ramos (AMCHS Choir), Jon Seale, and Michael Dixon(CSHS Band).
High school students selected to perform in the All-State concerts have competed through an audition process, and it is the highest honor a Texas music student can receive.
Earlier this school year, five CSISD students were selected to perform with one of the all-state orchestras, marking a total of 10 all-state musicians from the district this year.
Out of more than 70,000 students from around the state who audition, 1,875 are selected through the audition process for this honor to perform in one of 18 ensembles in orchestra, band and choir. Only the top 2.6 percent of musicians who initially audition become All-State musicians.
All-State students will participate in three days of rehearsals directed by nationally-recognized conductors during the TMEA Clinic/Convention. Their performances for thousands of attendees bring this extraordinary event to a close.