School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
The CSISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a group of parents, community members, and CSISD staff members representing CSISD schools that studies issues regarding the health and well-being of students and staff. The council addresses the continued implementation of a coordinated health program including health education, physical education, health services, nutrition services, counseling, healthy school environment, staff health promotion and family/community involvement
Topics that have been discussed, reported on, and recommendations to the CSISD School Board in previous years have included: substance abuse and prevention, mental health services, suicide awareness and prevention, physical fitness and health curriculum, electronic device usage, and recess.
If you are interested in more information regarding the CSISD SHAC, please feel free to contact Kevin Starnes, Director of Athletics, via email - phone - 979-764-5525.
2023-24 SHAC Meeting Information
The SHAC meets four times each school year. The meeting dates, times, and location for the 2022-2023 school year are listed below.
2022-23 SHAC Meeting Information
2021-22 SHAC Meetings Agendas, Minutes and Recording
SHAC Wellness Plan
The SHAC Wellness Plan (link below) is reviewed and updated annually. The plan includes specific information and applicable policies related to the following topics:
- SHAC Beliefs
- Nutrition & Food Services
- Physical Activity
- Health Education
- Parent and Community Involvement
- Staff Wellness
- Counseling and Mental Health Services
- Healthy and Safe Schools
- Recess
- Vending Machines
- Tobacco & Electronic Cigarettes
- Right to request physical fitness records
Health Services Information
Each school in College Station ISD employs a full time Registered Nurse [link to nurse information by campus] and at least one full time school counselor [link to school counselor by campus]. The District has two full time mental health consultants that are available to work with students and staff members. Both comprehensive high schools employ two full time certified athletic trainers and the athletic department contracts with private practice certified athletic trainers to help provide medical support at middle school and high school athletic events.
There is a variety of Public Health Services and Mental Health Services available in the Brazos Valley. The major hospital and health support organizations are listed in the table below with links to their specific website to help students, families, and community members find specific health services.