CSISD will...provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential.

Background: Students are nominated annually by parents and school staff for testing for G/T. Students who qualify for the program are eligible for pull-out services from the enrichment specialist on their campus (K-6th Grade). All students (even those not identified as G/T) have the opportunity for enrichment projects and participation in groups with their campus enrichment specialist. G/T identification in CSISD is based on academic indicators only. CSISD teachers earn endorsements in G/T allowing them to differentiate instruction for these students in their classes. Over 1,500 (11.9%) of students across all grade levels are identified as G/T, as compared to the state rate of 7.7% identified. At the K-6 level, G/T students are served directly by a G/T specialist, and in grades 7-12 students have opportunities to enroll in advanced courses such as Honors, Pre-AP, and AP.
(3 Points)
(2 Points)
(1 Point)
(0 Points)
District performance based on the Texas Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students
Meeting all indicators in "In Compliance" and more than 50% of the indicators in "Exemplary"
(14/23 exemplary indicators)
Meeting all indicators of "In Compliance" and more than 50% of the indicators in "Recommended"
Meeting all indicators of "In Compliance"
Not meeting all indicators "In Compliance"
District ranking only
Percentage of G/T students achieving the "Masters Grade Level" standard on one or more content areas of the STAAR (grades 3-4)
State rate: 73%
Over 90%
(90% - math)
(92% - reading)
College Hills
Creek View
Forest Ridge
Greens Prairie
Pebble Creek
Rock Prairie
SW Valley
South Knoll
Spring Creek
Less than 60%
PreK-4 Campuses Only
Percentage of G/T students achieving the "Masters Grade Level" standard on one or more content areas of the STAAR (grades 5-8)
State rate: 64%
Over 90%
CSISD (81%)
Cypress Grove
Less than 60%
Intermediate and Middle School Campuses Only
Percentage of teachers who have completed 30 hours of Gifted and Talented Level 1 Training
100% of all teachers in CSISD have level 1 GT training within their first year in CSISD
Cypress Grove
College Hills
Creek View
Forest Ridge
Pebble Creek
Rock Prairie
South Knoll
SW Valley
Spring Creek
100% of core content area teachers have level 1 GT training within their first year in CSISD
100% of teachers responsible for GT services of GT students have level 1 training within their first year in CSISD
Greens Prairie
less than 100% of teachers responsible for GT students' GT instruction have level 1 training within their first year in CSISD
Percent of students scoring 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement Test (all Subjects)
Data from most recent Texas Academic Performance Report
State rate: 49.1%
Greater than 85%
70% - 84%
CSISD (83.5%)
50% - 69%
Less than 50%
High School Campuses Only
- Embed supports for GT students into each classroom by continuing to require all teachers to participate in GT training within their first year of employment in CSISD.
- In addition to the initial level 1 GT training, all teachers will receive annual training in supporting the needs of gifted students.