College Station Independent School District

Success, Each Life...Each Day...Each Hour


The College Station ISD policy for early identification, intervention, and support for students at risk for dyslexia or related disorders is through universal screeners for students, parent information, and teacher information starting in K and 1st grade, and for students in 7th grade that did not pass STAAR Reading. All other students in grades Pre-K through secondary grade levels are screened through universal screeners.

Students suspected of having dyslexia are identified through a formal evaluation process in College Station ISD. This evaluation may be conducted specifically to determine if a student has dyslexia through an IDEA evaluation process as outlined in IDEA Procedural Safeguards. The multidisciplinary evaluation team will include a person with specific knowledge of the reading process, dyslexia and related disorders . Independent educational evaluations will be considered.

All CSISD campuses offer a continuum of services for students with dyslexia. Some students may only require instructional accommodations through Section 504, others may require dyslexia instruction or other supports and services though special education as indicated by the and Individual Education Plan (IEP). CSISD provides Dyslexia instruction that provides explicit, direct instruction organized in a systematic, sequential and cumulative way that fulfills the guidelines for instruction as per TEA guidelines outlined in the TEA Dyslexia Handbook.

CSISD currently provides Dyslexia interventionists and Special Education Teachers the training and support needed to deliver an appropriate instructional program to students eligible for these services. Staff development opportunities are made available to classroom teachers to meet the classroom needs of students with dyslexia.

If you have concerns that your child may have dyslexia, please contact your child's teacher, counselor, or principal to find out more about the Multi-Tiered System of Support( MTSS ), 504, or special education process.

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