CSISD will...recruit, develop, and retain qualified and dedicated staff.

Background: CSISD is committed to attracting the highest quality faculty and staff members, We are proud to be in a community like College Station that attracts many good teachers and staff members from other areas of Texas and the nation. CSISD annually hires a higher percentage of teachers with successful experience. Teaching positions in CSISD attract a large number of applicants, and we have a lower teacher turnover rate than the state. The most recent CSISD Texas Academic Performance Report from 2015-2016 indicates that the state turnover rate for teachers was 16.5 percent and the CSISD rate was 11.6 percent.
Once teachers and staff members arrive in CSISD we have a system of professional development that builds upon their knowledge base and helps provide the skills for success in the classroom. New Teacher University (NTU) is a system of professional development in instructional strategies, relationship building and what it takes to be successful in College Station. Teachers new to CSISD received three days of intensive training in August, with two to four follow up days of training and support throughout their first year. CSISD also provides staff development ongoing staff development in a variety of areas for over 800 teachers annually. During the 2016-17 school year, 45 teachers across CSISD participated in the Teacher Leadership Academy. Teacher Leadership Academy is a program designed to foster leadership while still in the classroom. Meetings happen monthly throughout the school year and include leadership lessons and the teachers taking on a "Risk Taking Opportunity" that benefits the school and/or district.
(3 Points)
(2 Points)
(1 Point)
(0 Points)
Percentage of CSISD teachers who are appropriately qualified for the positions in which they teach.
CSISD and all campuses
99% or Higher
98% or Higher
Less than 98%
All campuses receive district rating
Annual teacher turnover rate.
Based upon most recent Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
State rate 2015-16 = 16.5%
9.9% or less
CSISD and all campuses
18% or More
All campuses receive district rating
Ratio of applications per number of teaching staff hired
15:1 or greater
10:1 to 14:1
CSISD and all campuses
(1450 Applicants for
130 Teaching Positions)
At least 5:1 to 9:1
Lower than 5:1
All campuses receive district rating
- Recruit the highest quality staff, especially for hard to fill positions such as bilingual teachers.
- Provide relevant and supportive professional development to promote growth and encourage retention of teachers and support staff.