WE USE REMIND. If you would like to get notifications about your child's bus, such as delays and other miscellaneous related items, please click on the "Remind" link at the left and follow the directions.
ALL riders (new and returning) must fill out the "BUS RIDER REGISTRATION FORM" at the beginning of each school year and submit it to the transportation department. (First link on the left.)
For 2023 - 2024 attendance zones and bus route information, please click on the second link at the left of this page.
College Station ISD uses ROUTE numbers instead of bus numbers to identify the route. Please look for the black sign with white numbers, near the loading doors of the bus, to identify the route. Below is an example for reference purposes.

We serve over 4,400 students daily, covering 96 square miles using approximately 118 buses.
Average Annual Miles Traveled: 1,000,000
Our Mission
The College Station ISD Transportation Department strives to provide the SAFEST, most COURTEOUS and EFFICIENT school bus service to all eligible students.
Our Goals
As members of the education community, CSISD Transportation Department Bus Drivers and Monitors will serve as an example for student riders by presenting a professional image, providing positive interactions and maintaining a safe and clean school bus environment.
The Department's goal is to gain public confidence through courteous and safe operation of district vehicles by observing all traffic laws, using defensive driving, maintaining route reliability, and dealing with all customers and the general public in a respectful and professional manner.
Transportation is available for children who live two miles or more from their assigned school. The distance a student lives from their assigned school is measured using the shortest route that may be traveled on publicly maintained roads between the flagpole of the campus and the nearest driveway of the student's legal residence. Students residing within two miles of their assigned school may have transportation available if their neighborhood qualifies as hazardous under the district's hazardous transportation rating system.
Some students who participate in vocational programs or classes not offered at their school are transported between schools. Special education students are eligible for transportation if need is established through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) process.
Pick Up Time Criteria
Regular transportation attempts to arrive at every bus stop on time. Due to the variances between individual clocks, weather and traffic conditions, students are asked to arrive at the bus stop 5 to 10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time. Buses will load students and depart the stop. Regular buses do not wait for late students under most circumstances. All buses will wait between 7-10 minutes at the school in the afternoon for students to board. Students are expected to proceed immediately to the buses. Bus drivers are instructed not to stop or open the door for late students and/or parents because of safety concerns.
Route Design
Bus routes are created to enhance student safety while maximizing route efficiency. Stops are created that allow students to wait off the main roadway for the bus, if possible. Stops are also created to minimize students walking in highly traveled roadways for long distances without walkways. It is the parent's responsibility to supervise their children between their home and the bus stop and while at the bus stop. Stops are not placed in dead-end streets to minimize bus accidents while backing (Backing is a very dangerous maneuver for a school bus). Stops are spread as far apart as criteria will allow in order to help decrease the number of stops each bus will make on its route; thus minimizing riding time for the students.
Elementary students may be assigned to a bus stop up to 0.2 miles from their home, under ideal conditions. Secondary students may be assigned to a bus stop up to 0.5 miles from their home, under ideal conditions. Certain conditions may necessitate students to be assigned to a stop further away from the home. Bus routes are designed to limit student ride time to no more than 1 hour one-way if at all possible, however, most students ride under 45 minutes one-way.
The above design criterion is for regular students only. Students in special programs are subject to different design criteria.
Students wishing to get off at a different stop, ride a bus other than their assigned bus or not a bus rider.
At times, a student may wish to get off at a different stop, or ride a bus with a friend. Any similar requests must be made in writing to the campus office by the morning of the date of the change. The written request must include the name of the student with whom he/she wishes to ride as well as a contact number for the parent. The requesting student must be currently receiving bus privileges in order to ride on another bus. Any changes must be approved by an administrator.
- Adaptive Equipment
- Child Safety Restraint Systems (car seats) are required by Texas law to be used by students younger than 4 years old OR less than 36 inches in height. Only car seats that are provided by CSISD will be utilized. It is unsafe for students weighing more than 40 pounds to use car seats in the school bus. Booster seats for children weighing over 40 pounds require a three-point shoulder harness, which is not available on school buses.
- Lift Equipped Buses transport students and their mobility equipment. All wheelchairs will be secured in a forward facing position. The wheelchairs will be anchored to the bus floor and the lap tray will be removed and properly stowed prior to transport. The Department will not be responsible for transporting empty wheelchair(s) to and from school and home.
- Scheduling: Policies / Procedures
- Changes in service may take up to two working days for implementation.
- Goals
- The goal for Special Needs Routing is to have no student on the bus for more than 1 hour.
- Pick-up and drop-off sequence and times are based on the student's proximity to the school and the medical needs of the students assigned to the route.
- CSISD Transportation Department provides pick-up and drop-offs that are the closest and safest for Special Education students eligible to receive special needs transportation. It is the parent/caregiver responsibility to meet the bus at the curb to transfer custody of the student.
The Transportation Department has many and varied responsibilities, some of which include:
- Assisting the Personnel Department with the application and hiring process
- Training, interviewing and selecting potential Bus Drivers and Bus Assistants
- Guiding the potential Bus Driver through the DPS written Commercial Driver License tests required to obtain their Class B CDL (P and S endorsement)
- Behind the wheel training in preparation for the DPS road test
- Transit style bus training
- Route training, which includes map reading techniques
- Follow-up training of the new school bus driver
- Bus Driver and Bus Assistant annual Road-Test evaluations
- Post-Hire Training - subjects include: Time & Attendance procedures, Field Trips, Employee handbook, Emergency evacuations, Breakdown and Accident training, Field training (what to do in the event of inclement weather, locations of the CSISD schools), Discipline Management Techniques, Understanding the Student Rider, First Aid, Special Needs and Lift Bus Training.
- For safety reasons, carry-on items must be able to fit on students' lap or under the seat. Items will not be allowed in the under-storage bins.
School Bus Drivers and Bus Assistants are guaranteed 25 hours per week. The starting salaries for:
School Bus Drivers is: $17.50 per hour (pay is commensurate with experience)
School Bus Assistants is: $11.00 per hour (pay is commensurate with experience)
The Transportation Center offices are located at 9304 Rock Prairie Rd, College Station, Texas
Bus Rider Conduct Policy