From 2017-18 to 2021-22, the CSISD tax rate was lowered from $1.3980 per $100 of property evaluation to $1.2152. That difference of 18.28 cents represents a decrease of 13 percent in those four years.
By law and because of the increase in property values in CSISD, the CSISD tax rate is forced to be compressed by 6.7 cents for the 2022-23 school year. The proposed VATRE would allow CSISD to keep three of the 6.7 cents, resulting in a net tax rate decrease of 3.7 cents.
A decrease of 3.7 cents would lower the tax rate to 1.1781, which is 21.99 cents, or 15.7 percent lower than it was in 2017-18.