Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the October board workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agendas. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the November board meeting. A video and audio recording of the workshop and meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, October 15. The following discussions and actions are of note.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) discussion: Chief Administrative Officer Molley Perry gave a presentation regarding the district’s new MAP software, which is a computer-based assessment system that measures skill mastery for all students.
Using online testing three times a year, the software shows faculty and administrators where students are in comparison to their peers and allows teachers to target instruction for individual students and groups of students. In addition, the data from the MAP software can be used as metrics in the CSISD community-based accountability system.
FIRST Report: CSISD received a 98 out of 100 possible points and a superior rating in the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for the 2017-18 school year. The purpose of the financial accountability rating system (Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 19, § 109.1001) is to ensure that school districts and open-enrollment charter schools will be held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices and achieve improved performance in the management of their financial resources.
Approval to assume contract to purchase property: The board approved a resolution to assume a contract to purchase 41.40 acres located at 2441 Arrington Road. The total cost of $2,556,450 will be paid from 2015 bond funds designated specifically for the purchase of land.
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved the purchase of laptop computers for Oakwood Intermediate from Avinext in the amount of $61,527 using Title I Federal Funds.
- Approved the renewal of Microsoft Educational Desktop Package with Enterprise Client Access Licenses from SHI Government Solutions for the amount of $78,939.41 using Instructional Materials Allotment Funds.