Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the November board workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agendas. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the December board meeting. A video and audio recording of the workshop and meeting will be made available within seven days of the meeting at csisd.org.
2018-19 school calendar development: The board discussed the process for developing the school calendar for the 2019-2020 school year.
The Districtwide Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) will develop calendar options in November and then solicit feedback from staff on their specific campuses. In addition, there will be an opportunity for students, parents and members of the community to give online feedback on the options developed by the DEIC.
The DEIC will then process the feedback and present a recommendation to the board in either the January or February board meeting.
Last year, CSISD was granted “District of Innovation” status, allowing for more flexibility in developing the school calendar.
New Director of Purchasing approved: Current CSISD Director of Purchasing Mark Pantel is retiring after 18 years in College Station ISD and will be replaced current Assistant Director of Business Carmella Shafer.
Shafer has worked for CSISD for the last nine years, initially as the coordinator of accounting and most recently as the assistant director in the business office. She has prior governmental financial experience with Waco ISD, Texas A&M University and the City of Woodway.
As the number two leader in our business office, Carmella has worked closely with the purchasing department for many years. She and her staff work on approximately 75 percent of the purchases that come out of the purchasing office each year.
Shafer will be begin her new role in January.
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved the purchase of network switches for River Bend Elementary from Avinext for the amount of $58,006 using 2015 bond funds.
- Approved the RFP for copier and managed print services to ImageNet - Compatible Toner Option for the amount of $412,553.84 for the term of January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022.
- Approved the purchase of classroom and office furniture for River Bend Elementary from Educator’s Depot for the amount $437,644.64 using 2015 bond funds.
- Approved the purchase of public address system and speakers for River Bend Elementary from Firetron, Inc., for the amount of $73,270.49 using 2015 bond funds.
- Approved the proposal to install 41 rooftop air handling units for Oakwood Intermediate School to Heat Transfer Solutions for the amount of $260,000 using 2013 bond funds.
- Approved the purchase of metal athletic storage building from Aggieland Construction LLC for the amount of $74,222 using 2015 bond funds.
- Approved the renovation work for the Community Education Department are at central office from Alpha Building Corporation for the amount of $119,615 using 2013 bond funds.
- Approved the purchase of the Delta enteliVIZ graphics software upgrade for the district’s building energy management system from T.E.A.M. Solutions for the amount of $73,292 using 2013 bond funds.