Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the November board workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agendas. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the December board meeting. A video and audio recording of the workshop and meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, November 19. The following discussions and actions are of note.
2020-2021 calendar development: The board discussed the process for developing the school calendar for the 2019-2020 school year.
The Districtwide Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) developed calendar options in November and then solicit feedback from the staff on their respective campus. In addition, there will be an opportunity for students, parents and members of the community to give online feedback on the options developed by the DEIC.
The DEIC will then process the feedback and present a recommendation to the board in either the January or February board meeting.
Three new board members sworn in, three exiting members recognized for service: Joshua Benn (Place 3), Jeffrey Horak (Place 4) and Kimberly McAdams (Place 5) were sworn in as new board members.The trio of new board members replace three out-going members who all did not seek re-election. Place 3 Trustee Micahel Wesson resigned after almost six years of service from the board in September after relocating to Auburn, Ala. for work. Place 4 Trustee and Board President Jeff Harris served nine and a half years on the board while Place 5 Trustee Quinn Williams served six.
Annual enrollment report for policy FC (Local): Deputy Superintendent Mike Martindale made a presentation regarding an annual enrollment review, outlined by board policy FC (Local) pertaining to school attendance areas.
The policy states the administration shall annually review facility and enrollment projection data, including current demographic data, and five-year enrollment and school-capacity projections and present the results to the board. The policy also states the administration should specifically inform the board of any school that has an enrollment below 85% or above 110% of building capacity. College Hills Elementary is currently the only school above 110% of capacity.
Using the updated demographic information from Templeton Demographics, Martindale outlined projected CSISD enrollment growth.
Year: Enrollment (% Growth)
- 2019-20: *13,913 (2.8%)
- 2020-21: 14,288 (2.7%)
- 2021-22: 14,657 (2.6%)
- 2022-23: 15,016 (2.4%)
- 2023-24: 15,368 (2.3%)
- 2024-25: 15,705 (2.2%)
* Taken from enrollment data on September 12, 2019. The enrollment number reported via PIEMS on the annual snapshot date at the end of October was 13,940, and the enrollment number as of November 18 was 13,985.
CSISD is projected to have capacity at all grade levels for the next few years.
Additionally, the policy requires the administration to provide the board with current proportions of economically disadvantaged students at each school.
The following table shows current percentages of economically-disadvantaged students at each intermediate, middle and high school campus. Elementary schools are not included in this data per policy FC (Local) due to three of the schools being Title 1 schools.
School: Percent low-SES
- Cypress Grove: 39.14%
- Oakwood: 50.79%
- Pecan Trail: 27.59%
- AMCMS: 43.92%
- CSMS: 36.98%
- WMS: 30.29%
- AMCHS: 36.32%
- CSHS: 27.19
The board approved the administration’s only recommendation, which was to explore the placement of programs at the elementary level and make necessary and appropriate adjustments to the placement of these programs.
Approval of amended interlocal agreement with Brazos County: The board approved amendments to the interlocal agreement with Brazos County regarding the school resource deputy program.
Highlighting the amendments is allowing the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office the opportunity to see live camera feeds in all campus in the event of an emergency.
The amendments also include provisions to the additional School Resource Deputies added since the inception of the program.
Board executive committee reorganization: The board elected officers for the 2019-2020 year. The officers are as follows:
- President: Michael Schaefer
- Vice-President: Geralyn Nolan
- Secretary: Mike Nugent