Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the May board workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agendas. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the June board meeting. A video and audio recording of the workshop and meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, May 21. The following discussions and actions are of note.
Discussion regarding 2019-2020 budget development process: Deputy Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer Mike Martindale made a third presentation regarding the development of the 2019-2020 budget.
The board reviewed a draft of revenue and expenditure numbers. These current numbers, based on the current school finance system, reflect an overall deficit budget of approximately $5.9 million. The expenditure projections include an estimated $18 million recapture payment.
These numbers do not represent any potential changes due to school finance legislation for the current 86th legislative session.
CSISD will continue to review staffing and budget requests, monitor and adjust revenue projections according to results of the legislative session and update expenditure projections over the next three months. The 2019-2020 budget and tax rate will be adopted at the August board meeting.
Discussion regarding Policy FFAC (Local) - EpiPens: The board reviewed policy change recommendations related to EpiPens. Currently, our campuses have unassigned EpiPens available in the nurse’s office in the event that a life threatening allergic reaction occurs and the individual does not have a personal EpiPen available.
In order to continue this practice, and expand the availability of unassigned EpiPens to after hours school activities, policy language will need to be changed to include required training for all staff.
The board will continue discussion and could possibly take action at the June meeting.
Discussion Regarding Policy FC (Local) - School Attendance Areas: The board reviewed its local policy FC (Local), which governs school attendance boundaries.
Most of the discussion focused around the timing of the annual enrollment report, which is currently in December, according to policy.
The board will continue discussion in June.
CSISD Educator Profile: Chief Academic Office Penny Tramel made a presentation to the board regarding the district’s new “Educator Profile.” The profile was developed by the district’s central office and campus administrators in the fall of 2018 and is meant to establish a common vision of the district’s expectations for educators to portray as they interact with students, colleagues and parents.
The main sections of the CSISD Educator Profile include:
- Builds positive relationships and learning environment
- Communicates and collaborates effectively
- Embraces learning
- Works with passion and commitment
- Creates digital learning environment
LINK: CSISD Educator Profile
Approval of long-range technology plan: Chief Administrative Officer Molley Perry delivered a presentation regarding the district’s Long-Range Technology Plan.
The plan was developed by a 30-member committee comprised of teachers, administrators and technology staff. The committee reviewed past plans, discussed them, developed goals and strategies to guide future technology endeavors.
The new long-range technology plan has an emphasis on staff development, community involvement and access to digital resources.
The following are the main goals of the 2019-2024 Long-Range Technology Plan:
- Teaching and Learning: Enhance the teaching and learning process through purposeful integration of relevant digital resources across all learning environments.
- Professional Development and Communication: Equip CSISD stakeholders with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to purposefully integrate instructional technology into learning experiences and to effectively communicate with the CSISD community.
- Technology Ecosystems: Develop a flexible technology ecosystem that promotes digital learning and operational efficiency.
LINK: 2019-2024 CSISD Long-Range Technology Plan
Approval of new high school math course: The board approved a new high school math course for the 2019-2020 school year. The course is designed to help students from other countries with language barriers acquire the necessary skills to be successful in mathematics.
Approval of new administrator contracts: The board approved the hiring of the following administrators.
- Thad Lasater, Director of Business Services
- Nkrumah Dixon, Director of Employee Engagement
- Stormy Hickman, Director of Talent Management
- Austin Chandler, College Station High School Assistant Principal
- Cristal Vazquez, Southwood Valley Elementary Assistant Principal
- Heather Sherman, River Bend Elementary Assistant Principal
- Amanda Allen, Creek View Elementary Assistant Principal
In addition, the board approved the administrator contract for Director of Early Education Service Susan Heath, subject to the approval of the Regional Head Start Office.
Approval of board policies GKD (Local) and FEF (Local): The board approved changes to policies GKD (local) and FEF (local) to allow private practice counselors to access to students on campuses during the school day to provide counseling services.
In accordance with GKD (LOCAL), the only exception to for-profit facilities use during the school day is for band, orchestra, or choir students to receive private music lessons. This is typically before/after school or during the music class period, and it is coordinated with the parent and music teacher.
The board approved a second exception for private practice counselors, as current policy would not allow for this practice to improve student access to mental health providers.
Additionally, policy FEF (LOCAL) governs student attendance and release time. The board approved additional language be added to this policy to allow for absences to meet with private counselors during school hours.
The administration worked with the a Texas Association of School Board policy consultant to add the appropriate language to the policies. In addition, the administration will continue to work with legal counsel to develop administrative guidelines and written agreements which would be signed by the provider and and the parent.
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved the purchase of k-8th grade science instruction materials from STEMscopes for the amount of $75,687.50 using instructional materials allotment funds.
- Approved the Request for Proposal for internet services from WireStar, Inc., in the amount of $28,800 and backup/redundancy service from Celebridge Telecom (Suddenlink) in the amount of $43,452.00 for 2019-2020 with the option to extend for five additional one year periods using the general fund and E-rate reimbursements.