The Gold Emblem rating is only bestowed upon the top 10 percent of FFA chapters in Texas. Out of approximately 1,000 FFA chapters in Texas, the CSHS chapter was recognized as the 13th ranked chapter in Texas.
Chapters that received the Gold Emblem rating actively implemented the FFA mission and strategies. These chapters improve their operations by using a Program of Activities, which emphasizes student, chapter, and community development.
College Station FFA and other Gold Emblem FFA chapters will advance to the national level to be judged for the National FFA Chapter Contest.
In addition to the Gold Emblem designation, Blaine Borchgardt (CSHS), Suzanna Borchgardt (CSHS), Caleb Garner (AMCHS), Kaitlen Johnson (CSHS), MaKenna Kotrla (CSHS), Emily McCleary (AMCHS), Payton McGinnis (AMCHS), Jessica Praytor (CSHS), Seth Russell (CSHS) and Hunter Scott (AMCHS) each earned the Lone Star FFA Degree.
The Lone Star FFA Degree is the highest degree bestowed by the Texas FFA and recognizes FFA members who have received the Chapter degree, been active FFA members for at least two years, completed at least four semesters of agricultural science at or above the ninth grade level, maintained a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program, demonstrated their leadership skills, and have shown a commitment to the FFA through involvement at the chapter level and above.