The tragic death of George Floyd, along with the events that have since followed, is weighing heavily on our nation, our state, and our community. We are struggling with questions surrounding racism and injustice. It is important to speak candidly and support those who are suffering most.
Specifically, to our Black community, we value you and we stand with you.
The motto of CSISD has long been, “Success: Each Life … Each Day … Each Hour.” As educators, we believe in public education because we believe it provides an equal opportunity for all students. But equity cannot be only about making things accessible. We pledge to continue to work to make sure all CSISD students have hope and an equal opportunity for success.
CSISD is committed to the social-emotional learning aspect of our teaching and modeling to our students. This includes an intentional focus to treat everyone with love, compassion and respect. It is also essential to model civic discourse to show our children how to honestly and non-violently communicate with those who have opposing views. In addition, we will advocate for our students and staff who are affected by prejudice and racism.
Our hope is that our community will choose to actively listen, to be open to learning, and to love each other as we face this issue in the coming months and years.
Mike Martindale, CSISD Superintendent of Schools
Michael Schaefer, CSISD Board of Trustees President