The CSISD Curriculum and Instruction Office is seeking input regarding the adoption of the personal financial literacy component of the district’s economics classes.
The materials can be viewed in person in Social Studies Coordinator Bobbi Rodriquez’s office (1812 Welsh) between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. through Thursday, August 15.
In addition, the three publishers being considered provided the following information for online review:
B.E. Publishing: Personal Financial Literacy
Decker & Associates: Real Life Personal Finance
Ramsey Education Foundations in Personal Finance
Feedback can be emailed to Bobbi Rodriguez at [email protected].
A committee of six teachers is considering presentations from the publishers and will consider any feedback received prior to August 16. The committee will recommend an adoption at the August 20 board of trustees meeting.
Additional Information provided by the publishers:
Ramsey Education:
Teacher's Edition
Student Text
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
B.E. Publishing:
Adopted Texas Proc 2019 Textbooks Click on “Personal Financial Literacy (eBook)"