Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the August board workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agendas. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the September board meeting. A video and audio recording of the workshop and meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, August 20. The following discussions and actions are of note.
2019 STAAR and End of Course student performance and accountability ratings: Chief Administrative Officer Molley Perry gave a presentation regarding the 2019 STAAR and End of Course exams and how it translated to the district’s accountability rating. Overall, the district scored an 89 and received an accountability rating of a “B.”
Approval of 2019-20 Budget: After a total of six budget workshops beginning in March, the CSISD Board of Trustees approved the budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year.
The passing of HB 3 earlier this year by the legislature infused $11.6 billion into the state budget for school funding and property tax reduction. The new legislation created a net addition of approximately $6 million in the CSISD budget by decreasing the district’s projected recapture payment back to the state from $18 million to $0 and compressing the maintenance and operations tax rate from $1.04 to $0.97.
With the new funding system in place, CSISD was able to give substantial raises to all employees through next year’s compensation plan, which was passed by the board in June. In addition, CSISD was able add several needed positions -- many to meet increasing needs in special education.
The changes in school funding, coupled with the aggressive compensation plan and the addition of new positions totals to a projected deficit budget of approximately $3.384 million, which will be covered by the district’s $37 million fund balance, or savings account.
CSISD adopted a budget with a deficit of $4.6 million for the 2018-2019 school year and is currently tracking at a lower deficit of approximately $2 million. CSISD has historically underspent its budget as shown in the chart below.
Audited Budget Deficit / Surplus
-$3.89 M
+996 K
-$4.6 M
In progress
Approval of 2019-20 Tax Rate: The board approved an overall tax rate of $1.239 per $100 of taxable property value, a decrease of 13.3 cents (9.7%).
HB 3 compressed the maintenance and operations rate from $1.04 to $0.97. In addition, the interest and sinking tax rate was lowered from $0.332 to $0.269. The I&S rate decreased to the district paying off some of its previous debt, coupled with the rising property value total within the district boundaries.
A homeowner with an appraised home value of $300,000 would see a savings of $365 annually due to the lower tax rate.
CSISD lowered the rate last year by 2.6 cents, totaling a rate decrease of 15.9 cents (11.4%) over the last two years.
CSISD tax rates for the last six years
2019 - 2020 FY: 1.2390
2018 - 2019 FY: 1.3720
2017 - 2018 FY: 1.3980
2016 - 2017 FY: 1.3960
2015 - 2016 FY: 1.3629
2014 - 2015 FY: 1.3800
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved refunds for agreed judgement rulings on Brazos Texas Land Development, LLC, 2017 values and Midway Hospitality L.P., 2016 values in the amounts of $670.84 and $181,223.43, respectively.
- Approved the purchase of replacement servers throughout the district from Avinext in the amount of $124,944 using 2015 bond funds.
- Approved the renewal of annual PowerSchool Software Maintenance and Support Agreement for the amount of $131,427.16 to be paid using 2019-20 general funds.
Land purchase contract: The board did not take action on the agenda item related to assuming the contract to purchase 41.4 acres of real property located at 2441 Arrington Road. The item could be revisited at next month’s meeting.