College Station High School senior wins 23rd annual BVSO, FASO Youth Concerto Competition

Nov. 18, 2023—Cooper Allen, College Station High School senior, was announced as the winner of the 23rdannual Youth Concerto Competition by the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra (BVSO) and the Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra (FASO) on Sunday, Nov. 12.
Allen was selected as the competition winner by the final round judges after his performance of Geraldine (Denny) Green’s Bass Clarinet Concerto, Mvt. 1.
As the competition winner, Allen will be featured as a soloist in the upcoming Children’s Concert with the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra on Feb. 5, 2024. FASO will pay the entry fee for him to participate in the Juanita Miller Concerto Competition presented by the Texas Association of Symphony Orchestras. Allen will also receive the Tracy and Tamara Carter Youth Concerto Endowed Scholarship of $1,000 to the college or university of his choice.