Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the February workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agenda. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the March board meeting. A video and audio recording of the meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, February 15. The following discussions and actions are of note.
Report on Academic Achievement and Class Rank Committee: Executive Director of Secondary Education Tiffany Parkerson gave a report on the progress of the Academic Achievement and Class Rank Committee.
This committee began work in September to consider the board’s local policy EIC, which governs Grade-Point-Average (GPA) calculation, the weighted grading system, and graduation honors with the understanding that no current high school students would be impacted by any proposed changes. Any changes would be implemented with a future incoming freshman class.
The committee has reviewed the current board policy EIC (Local), examined this policy in comparison districts, and learned about the implications of GPA and college admissions.
The committee has come to consensus on two of the decision points they have been tasked to explore.
First, the committee has come to consensus around a three-tiered, weighted grading system. Tier 1 would include advanced placement (AP) classes, while Tier 2 would consist of Advanced courses and Academic Dual Credit courses. All other courses would be considered Tier 3.
The second decision point in which the committee has come to consensus is the grade points associated with each of the three tiers. The new system would award a maximum of 6.0 grade points for Tier 1 courses, a maximum of 5.5 grade points for Tier 2 courses, and a maximum of 5.0 grade points for Tier 3 courses.
Currently CSISD has a two-tiered weighted grading system. Tier 1 courses include Advanced Placement (AP) and advanced courses, while Tier 2 consists of all other courses, including academic dual credit classes.
The committee is still working to determine the best recommendation regarding calculation of grade-point averages as well as how the district determines honor graduates.
The committee is expected to deliver a complete recommendation to the Board of Trustees at a meeting later this spring.
PUBLIC HEARING - Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
Texas Academic Performance Report for 2020-21: Chief Administrative Officer Molley Perry gave a presentation regarding the 2020-2021 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR). The annual TAPR report combines details of district and campus academic performance with financial reports and information about staff, programs, and demographics.
STAAR results for 2020-21 were shared with the board at the July 2021 board workshop. CSISD students met the passing standard at higher rates than the state average in every subject area across all grade levels and for all End-of-Course exams.
In 2020, CSISD had 888 graduates with a 4-year graduation rate of 94.0% (state - 90.3%). Compared to the state average of 63.0%, 65.7% of CSISD graduates were college, career or military ready as defined by the state. While the state average of “college ready” graduates was 53.4% in 2019, 57.9% of CSISD graduates were college ready.
CSISD graduates had an average SAT score of 1,141 and an average ACT score of 24.0, compared to the statewide average of 1,019 and 20.0, respectively. In all, 65% (35.7% state) of CSISD graduates scored at or above the criterion on these exams.
Notable student statistics from the 2020-21 school year include:
- CSISD had an attendance rate of 96.4% (state - 95.4%)
- CSISD ethnic distribution of students: White (51.2%), Hispanic (23.6%), African American (14.1%), Asian (7.1%), two or more races (3.4%), American Indian (0.4%), Pacific Islander (0.2%)
- CSISD special population percentages: economically disadvantaged (36.1%), at-risk (35.9%), special education (13.0%), Section 504 (9.7%), Dyslexia (5.6%), Bilingual/ESL (11.8%), and G/T (10.8%)
Notable staff statistics from the 2019-20 school year include:
- 31.9% of CSISD teachers hold an advanced degree (state - 25.0%)
- CSISD teachers average 12.5 years of experience (state - 11.2 years)
- CSISD had a teacher turnover rate of 11.7% (state - 14.3%)
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved an amendment to the facilities application to the Office of Head Start and delegated the authority to purchase a portable building and all related costs to the Superintendent in an amount not to exceed $240,000 American Rescue Plan Funds.
- Approved the purchase of band and orchestra instruments from The Tuba Exchange, The String and Horn Shop, Washington Music Center and Lisle Violin Shop in the amount of $1,781,935.10 using 2021 Bond Funds.
- Approved the purchase of 14 buses in the amount of $1,805,028 from Longhorn Bus Sales using 2021 Bond Funds.
- Approved the refurbishing and customization of AMCHS and CSHS band semi-trailers to Clubhouse Trailer Company in the amount of $172,933.48 using 2021 Bond Funds.
- Approved the purchase of 67 laptop charging carts from Avinext in the amount of $89,633 utilizing 2021 Bond Funds.
- Approved the purchase of 178 laptops and associated charging carts in the amount of $91,114 from Avinext using Title I Funds.
- Approved the purchase of 250 tablets from Apple Store for Education in the amount of $72,922 using Title I Funds.
- Approved awarding Request for Proposal for internet access in the amount of $77,400 to Wirestar, Inc., for one year with the option to extend for four additional one-year terms using the general fund.