Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the September workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agenda. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the October board meeting. A video and audio recording of the meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, September 21. The following discussions and actions are of note.
Committee chartered to explore academic achievement and class rank: The board approved the charter of an ad hoc committee to study and determine whether any changes need to be recommended to board policy EIC(local), which deals with academic achievement and class rank.
A previous committee met in the fall of 2020 and recommended changes to policy EIC(local) in regards to advanced courses. This committee also recommended reviewing the other aspects of the policy, including GPS calculation, the weighted grading system, and graduation honors.
In light of the strategic planning process, CSISD administration put any further evaluation of Policy EIC(local) on hold to ensure any recommendations regarding this policy would align with the strategic plan.
Now that the strategic plan is in place, this committee will explore policy EIC(local) in depth this fall.
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved the purchase of software licenses for Education Galaxy and LiftOff from Education Galaxy LLC for three years in the amount of $119,747.50 using ESSER III funds.
- Approved the purchase of software licenses for Study Island from Edmentum for three years in the amount of $110,198.95 using ESSER III funds.
- Approved the renewal of a three-year subscription of the Edgenuity Software at an annual amount of $70,920 using Instructional Materials Allotment funds.
- Approved the renewal of Microsoft Education Desktop Package with Enterprise Client Access Licenses from SoftwareOne in the amount of $68,990.40 using Instructional Materials Allotment funds.
- Authorized the superintendent to renew the Student Accident/Athletic & Catastrophic Insurance to Greater East Texas Insurance Associates for the 2021-22 school year in the amount of $85,935 to be paid from the 2021-22 general fund.