The A&M Consolidated High School Roar and the College Station High School Catamount newspaper staffs were recently recognized by the UIL’s Interscholastic League Press Conference with the coveted Bronze Star award, placing them as one of the top 16 best student newspaper publications in the state of Texas among all UIL divisions.
Both newspaper staffs also received the 2020-2021 Award of Distinguished Merit for their writing, design and photography.

Individually, the following students earned state medals in the class 5A division for their work:
- Managing editor Aliza Ali, Catamount: second in news writing, third in entertainment review and third in editorial writing
- Sports editor Saul Canchola, Catamount: third in feature writing
- Editor Ian Curtis, Roar: third in online sports feature story and honorable mention in online sports column
- Opinions editor Calla Duffield, Catamount: third in editorial writing.
- Entertainment editor Jennifer Langhoff, Catamount: first and second in entertainment page design and third in entertainment review.
- Editor-in-chief Erin Park, Catamount: first in student art, second and third in feature page design and third in editorial writing.
- Editor-in-chief Alex Roeder, Roar: second in student art, second in infographic/sidebar, honorable mention in news page/spread design, first and second in page one newspaper design, and honorable mention in online personal column and online personal opinion column
- News editor Elisabeth Stewart, Catamount: second in feature writing, third in page one design, third in entertainment photo and received honorable mention in photography and design.
- Cartoonist Zoe Taylor, Catamount: second and third place medals for her cartoons.
- Senior editor Ayden Woods, Catamount: third in entertainment review.
- Executive editor Allen Zhang, Roar: honorable mention in online feature writing
- Roar Staff: third place for in-depth news/feature package
The Catamount is advised by Dr. Courtney Wellmann and assistant adviser Teresa Laffin, while The Roar is advised by Mike Williams and assistant adviser Chauncey Lindner.