Six members of the A&M Consolidated High School debate team recently qualified for the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) national competition.
By earning one of the top spots in their respective category at the Yellow Rose District Qualifying Tournament, these students will compete at nationals in Albuquerque in June.
Students may enter up to three events, but can only go to nationals in one event. Celine Choi won all three of the events that she entered, while Allen Zhang, Srikar Satish, and Lars Deutz qualified in two events.
The following students will be representing AMCHS and our NSDA District at Nationals in Albuquerque in June:
- Celine Choi - Congressional Debate
- Bella Nolan - Congressional Debate
- Allen Zhang - International Extemporaneous Speaking
- Ruby Perry-Mize - Original Oratory
- Srikar Satish and Lars Deutz - Public Forum Debate
The team placed second overall in the Congressional Debate Sweepstakes and in Overall Sweepstakes, while earning the district’s “Leading Chapter Award.”
Additionally, the Yellow Rose district recognized Consol Principal Gwen Elder as the District Administrator of the Year and Tiger Debate Coach Brian Alford earned the district’s Communicator of the Year award.