Private-Non-Profit School Meeting June 5
Posted on 05/28/2024

College Station ISD will hold a Private-Non-Profit School Meeting to discuss Federal Program IDEA- Proportionate Share for the 2024-2025 School Year.
We apologize for the technical difficulties on May 8, 2024 which caused this meeting to be rescheduled.
When: June 5, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Where: Click here to join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 7783 5213
Passcode: PZ6Z34
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss:
- Child Find Process- evaluation of students who might have a disability
- How private/homeschool students may access services under Proportionate Share
- How parents, caregivers, teachers, etc. will be informed of consultation process
- Proportionate share amount and how it is calculated
- How consultation will proceed throughout the year for meaningful stakeholder participation
- How, where, and by whom special education/related services will be provided
For more information:
Contact CSISD Special Services Department related to the program you are seeking more information.
IDEA-Proportionate Share Program