Tuesday, January 15, 2018
January CSISD Board Workshop/Meeting Recap
Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the January board workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agendas. Official meeting minutes will be made available on following approval at the February board meeting. A video and audio recording of the workshop and meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, January 15. The following discussions and actions are of note.
Discussion regarding board operating procedures: The board did its annual review of operating procedures. Major sections of the operating procedures include ethics, board authority, communications, board meetings and board development.
Minor changes were suggested to the communication section in regards to confidentiality of communicating with the board to include clarification of the implications of the open records act.
Suggested changes will be made to the document prior to the February board meeting when the updated board operating procedures will be considered for approval.
Texas Academic Performance Report for 2017-18: Chief Administrative Officer Molley Perry gave a presentation regarding the 2017-2018 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR). The annual TAPR report combines details of district and campus academic performance with financial reports and information about staff, programs, and demographics.
Last fall, the academic portion (STAAR results) of the TAPR was discussed at length. At the “all students” level, CSISD students met the passing standard at higher rates than the state on each EOC exam and every subject in every grade, with the exception of 7th grade math. Areas of improvement include the performance of African American students across content areas and grades, and the performance of Hispanic, LEP and economically disadvantaged students in English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies.
In 2017, CSISD had 842 graduates with a 4-year graduation rate of 94.2% (state - 89.7%) and an annual dropout rate of 0.8% (state - 1.9%). Compared the state average of 54.2%, 64.4% of CSISD graduates were college, career or military ready as defined by the state. While the state average of “college ready” graduates was 47% in 2017, 60.9% of CSISD graduates were college ready.
CSISD graduates had an average SAT score of 1,158 and an average ACT score of 24.3, compared to the statewide average of 1,019 and 20.3, respectively.
Notable student statistics from the 2017-18 school year include:
- CSISD had an attendance rate of 96.6% (state - 95.7%)
- CSISD ethnic distribution of students: White (53.7%), Hispanic (22.1%), African American (12.5%), Asian (8.0%), two or more races (3.3%), American Indian (0.3%), Pacific Islander (0.1%)
- CSISD vulnerable population percentages: economically disadvantaged (33.7%), at-risk (28.3%), special education (9.0%), English language learner (8.6%)
Notable staff statistics from the 2017-18 school year include:
- 28.6% of CSISD teachers hold an advanced degree (state - 24.5%)
- CSISD teachers average 13.4 years of experience (state - 10.9 years)
- CSISD had a teacher turnover rate of 14.9% (state - 16.6%)
Approval of school calendar for 2019-2020: The board approved the school calendar for the 2019-2020 school year.
LINK: 2019-2020 school calendar (calendar option A)
The Districtwide Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) developed two draft calendar options at its December 12, 2018, meeting. Following the development, the calendars were posted on the CSISD website for feedback and voting.
A total of 3,695 online votes were cast, with calendar option A receiving 60.3% of the vote.
During its January 9, 2019 meeting, DEIC made one change to calendar option A before recommending it to the board for approval. Between the time the original calendars were developed and the January DEIC meeting, the state testing schedule was changed to include testing on Thursday, April 9. To accommodate this change, the DEIC moved a “Staff Development/Student Holiday” from Thursday, April 9 to Monday, April 13.
Highlights of Calendar option A include:
- School start date of August 15, 2019
- A full week for the Thanksgiving holiday
- Spring Break March 9-13, 2020
- Last day of school May 28, 2020
Approval of guaranteed maximum price for renovations: The board approved the guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for renovations to South Knoll Elementary, A&M Consolidated Middle School and College Station Middle School as part of the 2015 bond package.
The approved guaranteed maximum price for these projects is $4,177,226 and the total proposed project budget is $5,139,307. The planning allocation for these projects was $5,200,000 and the guaranteed maximum price was based on the request for competitive sealed bid proposals process.
The scope of work at South Knoll includes the second phase of renovations, which will consist of new flooring, paint, millwork, interior signage and upgrades to the exterior facade.
In addition, the GMP also encompasses the first phase of renovations at AMCMS and CSMS, including new flooring, paint, interior signage and other minor interior upgrades in the public areas of the building.
All of the above work is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2019.
Purchases/Bid Approvals:
- Approved the payment for the 2016 Medicaid Cost Report Settlement for the amount of $65,318.70 to Lone Star Educational Billing Services for Shared Health and Related Services (SHARS) reimbursements using the 2018-19 general fund.
- Approved the purchase and installation of fire alarm systems for South Knoll Elementary and A&M Consolidated Middle School in the amount of $233,470 from API National Service Group using 2015 bond funds.