Note: This is an overview of some of the items on the September workshop and meeting agendas. This recap does not include every item on the agenda. Official meeting minutes will be made available on www.csisd.org following approval at the October board meeting. A video and audio recording of the meeting will be made available within seven business days of the meeting at csisd.org.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The College Station ISD Board of Trustees met Tuesday, September 15. The following discussions and actions are of note.
Discussion regarding Pre-AP Courses for 2020-2021 school year and beyond: Because of new criteria by the College Board, CSISD is beginning to explore its options regarding the designation of classes as “Pre-AP” classes. The new criteria will take effect in the 2021-2022 school year.
The new criteria include use of the College Board’s curriculum framework that is designed to be grade-level appropriate and not what CSISD would consider rigorous enough to be considered for the 5.0 grading scale. In addition, the new Pre-AP curriculum is aligned to the Common Core curriculum, and a fee of $3,000 per course offered at each high school would be charged to the district.
Currently, CSISD has on-level courses (4.0 grade points), Honors courses (5.0 grade points), Pre-AP courses (5.0 grade points) and AP courses (5.0 grade points).
Three options were presented to the board and will be considered in the coming months by a committee of high school students, teachers, counselors and administrators. In all the options below, on-level and AP courses would remain unchanged.
- Option 1: Change Pre-AP courses to “Advanced” courses, to allow the continued use of a more rigorous CSISD curriculum. Honors courses would remain intact. Advanced courses and Honors courses would be graded on a 5.0 scale.
- Option 2: Combine all Pre-AP and Honors courses into “Advanced” courses, to allow the use of rigorous CSISD curriculum. All advanced courses would be graded on a 5.0 scale.
- Option 3: Pay the Pre-AP fee and continue to offer Pre-AP courses using the new Pre-AP curriculum. A determination regarding the grade point scale for Pre-AP courses would be made at a later date. Honors courses would continue to be graded on a 5.0 grading scale.
New administrator contract: The board approved the contract for Dawn Newton to be the Assistant Principal at Southwood Valley. The position was recently vacated due to a resignation.
- Purchases/Bid Approvals:
Approved the purchase of 501 Laptops and 21 charging carts for the amount of $249,936 from Avinext utilizing ESSER (CARES Act) Funds.