Dr. Nkrumah Dixon was named director of employee engagement, Stormy Hickman was named director of talent management, Thad Lasater was named director of business services and Susan Heath was named director of early education services announced College Station ISD Superintendent Dr. Clark Ealy today.
The hires are expected to be approved by the Board of Trustees at its May 21 meeting. Heath must also be approved by the Head Start governing body.
Dixon, the current CSISD assistant director of human resources, will be promoted to director of employee engagement. This change eliminates the assistant director of human resources position.
Hickman, the current Spring Creek Elementary School principal, is replacing Monica James the former director of human resources in a restructured position titled director of talent management.

The current human resources office will be split into two divisions, led by Dixon and Hickman, respectively.
“As we have added staff over the last five school years due to the addition of five new campuses and district growth, the restructuring of the human resources office allows us an opportunity to better meet our needs,” Ealy said. “We want to focus both on current employee needs as well as having a vision for finding and developing the very best teachers and staff.”
Lasater comes to CSISD from La Porte ISD where he is the director of finance.
“Thad has a great understanding of public school finance, an eye for detail and a strong work ethic,” said Ealy. “ I am looking forward to Thad joining our team and leading the business office.”
Heath was the former coordinator for Early Head Start in CSISD and is replacing Sharon Jackson, who is retiring at the end of the year.
“Susan has extensive experience working with disadvantaged students in a number of settings, including the foster care system,” Ealy said. “Susan is a proven leader, a systems thinker and the right fit for our Head Start and Pre-K programs.”
Prior to his current role as assistant director of human resources for the past four years, Dixon spent six years as the principal at A&M Consolidated Middle School and two years as the director of alternative education programs in Bryan ISD.
Hickman has been the only principal at Spring Creek Elementary since its opening in 2015. Her prior administrative experience includes stints as assistant principal at A&M Consolidated High School and Greens Prairie Elementary.
Prior to his current position in La Porte ISD, Lasater served Dalhart ISD as a director of accounting for four years and the chief financial officer for five years. His accounting work experience began as a staff accountant and auditor for Keeney, Hembree & Company in the panhandle where part of his work included conducting school district audits.
Heath previously served CSISD as the coordinator of the Early Head Start program, where she oversaw the district’s home-based family facilitators. She left CSISD in 2014 to pursue a career outside of public schools.